Tidying data

Source can be found in https://github.com/elvinado/Tidying-data

Skills you will learn from this example may be as follow:

  1. Loading excel files to pandas dataframe
  2. Basics of slicing and other operation in pandas
  3. Using simple regex as pattern searching tool
  4. Creating a complex loops (5 layers deep)
  5. Quick and dirty plotting

Primary motivation is to transform excel tables into a tidy data as describe follows (based on Tidy Data Structure by Hadley Wickam):

  1. Each variable is a column (with uniform type format, ie. str, int, float)
  2. Each observation is a row
  3. Each type of observation unit has its own table

Our dummy data has properties as follows (all values are randomly generated):

  1. 2 types of material (A,B)
  2. 5 sizes of material (1" - 5")
  3. 2 frequencies subjected to the material
  4. 3 observation units (Alpha, Beta, Gamma)
  5. Physical configuration of material (A,B)

The original data

alt text

Notice that at the bottom of the excel there are intentional notes. These are to be excluded from tranformation

Importing neccesary modules

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import re
import openpyxl


In [2]:
!python --version
Python 3.7.7
In [3]:
In [4]:
In [5]:
In [6]:
In [7]:

Reading excel file using pandas

Here we ignore the header by setting header=None so we can manually deal with them

In [8]:
# instantiate an excel object
xl = pd.ExcelFile("Untidy Data.xlsx")
In [9]:
# find out the all the available sheets
['Config A', 'Config B']
In [10]:
config_a = xl.parse(xl.sheet_names[0],header=None)
config_b = xl.parse(xl.sheet_names[1],header=None)
In [11]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
0 Material Material A NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Material Size 5" NaN NaN 4" NaN NaN 3" NaN NaN ... NaN 3" NaN NaN 2" NaN NaN 1" NaN NaN
2 Frequency Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma ... Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma
3 100hz 1.63979 1.23064 0.546146 1.8024 1.20586 0.908674 1.47175 1.02788 0.202751 ... 1.07173 1.51893 1.24927 0.7348 1.95649 1.00976 0.161368 1.62851 1.7927 0.0654671
4 NaN 1.43973 1.08655 0.42743 2.03412 1.64013 0.869098 1.72981 1.67681 0.829409 ... 0.30593 1.53473 1.67507 0.65072 1.60572 1.42838 0.817371 1.70092 1.18878 0.619278

5 rows × 31 columns

In [12]:
print(f"Config A shape: {config_a.shape}\nConfig B shape: {config_b.shape}")
Config A shape: (36, 31)
Config B shape: (21, 31)

Extra notes in Config A sheet causes it to have more rows.

In [13]:
# checking the last 5 rows of the dataframe
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
32 Tidy Data Structure by Hadley Wickam NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
33 each variable is a column NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
34 each observation is a row NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
35 each type of observational unit is a table NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 31 columns

We'll make it better by limiting the rows during loading

In [14]:
# Alternative way to read excel. Here we limit to 21 rows
config_a = pd.read_excel("Untidy Data.xlsx","Config A",header=None,nrows=21)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
16 NaN 2.3537 1.13067 0.314388 1.61681 1.47694 1.0762 2.31293 1.0814 0.859512 ... 1.16537 2.55598 1.13292 0.198101 1.87178 1.15424 0.383076 2.61727 1.89962 0.947251
17 NaN 2.0719 1.07198 0.93679 1.95104 1.06179 0.361847 2.01105 1.79089 0.176239 ... 0.515545 2.12704 0.955811 0.679336 2.03949 0.952965 0.326725 2.77964 1.65215 0.904136
18 NaN 2.41735 1.25517 0.989605 1.96966 1.38293 0.420835 2.91429 1.15701 0.246095 ... 0.850908 2.04811 1.44549 0.34588 3.06417 1.58788 0.266243 2.51453 1.0942 0.904514
19 NaN 3.12287 1.40346 1.20484 2.20782 1.27301 0.503028 2.58789 1.73009 0.980651 ... 0.753408 2.67149 1.17502 0.661362 3.39722 1.50133 0.416697 2.80905 1.59627 0.830201
20 NaN 0.787528 0.271732 0.467563 2.49309 0.976058 1.18161 0.693866 0.742667 0.241835 ... 0.41265 0.0520008 0.971672 0.289244 0.52008 0.565746 0.831431 0.632895 0.561253 0.924035

5 rows × 31 columns

Tranformation processes

A. Extract dimensions info using regular expression

A good reason to use regex pattern instead of extracting by hard coding is flexibility if any additional dimensions were to be added in the future dataset

1. Types of Material

Located at 0th row

In [15]:
temp = config_a.iloc[0].dropna().unique()
array(['Material', 'Material A', 'Material Bbb'], dtype=object)
In [16]:
# drop the first column
temp = temp[1:]
array(['Material A', 'Material Bbb'], dtype=object)
In [17]:
pattern = "Material (\S+)"
# List comprehension searching the pattern in each values
materials = [re.search(pattern,t).group(1) for t in temp]
['A', 'Bbb']

2. Size of Material

Located at 1st row

In [18]:
temp = config_a.iloc[1].dropna().unique()
array(['Material Size', '5"', '4"', '3"', '2"', '1"'], dtype=object)
In [19]:
# drop the first column
temp = temp[1:]
array(['5"', '4"', '3"', '2"', '1"'], dtype=object)
In [20]:
pattern = "(\d+)\""
# List comprehension searching the pattern in each values
sizes = [re.search(pattern,t).group(1) for t in temp]
# convert to interger
sizes = [int(size) for size in sizes]
[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

3. Frequencies

Located at 0th column

In [21]:
temp = config_a[0].dropna().unique()
array(['Material', 'Material Size', 'Frequency', '100hz', '500hz'],
In [22]:
# only take the last 2 columns
temp = temp[-2:]
array(['100hz', '500hz'], dtype=object)
In [23]:
pattern = "(\d+)hz"
# List comprehension searching the pattern in each values
frequencies = [re.search(pattern,t).group(1) for t in temp]
# convert to interger
frequencies = [int(f) for f in frequencies]
[100, 500]

4. Observation Units

Located at 2nd row

In [24]:
temp = config_a.iloc[2].dropna().unique()
array(['Frequency', 'Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma'], dtype=object)
In [25]:
# drop the first column
temp = temp[1:]
array(['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma'], dtype=object)
In [26]:
# for consitency purposes just convert the numpy array into python list
observations = temp.tolist()
['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma']

5. Configuration Name

Located in the sheet names

In [27]:
configs = xl.sheet_names
['Config A', 'Config B']

B. Designing an empty dataframe to be filled later

Our columns are going to be dimensions of material, frequency, size, configuration, as well as three observations units.

The observation units can later on be separated into 3 separate table if needed.

In [28]:
dimensions = ["Configuration","Material","Frequency","Size"]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = dimensions + observations)
Index(['Configuration', 'Material', 'Frequency', 'Size', 'Alpha', 'Beta',

C. Actual extraction of the data

In [29]:
# take a peak at the data we want to loop
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 Material Material A NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Material Size 5" NaN NaN 4" NaN NaN 3" NaN NaN 2" NaN NaN 1" NaN NaN
2 Frequency Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma
3 100hz 1.63979 1.23064 0.546146 1.8024 1.20586 0.908674 1.47175 1.02788 0.202751 1.69438 1.79287 0.265586 1.61428 1.11722 0.697438
4 NaN 1.43973 1.08655 0.42743 2.03412 1.64013 0.869098 1.72981 1.67681 0.829409 1.71648 1.53832 0.749897 1.51539 1.46082 0.91155
5 NaN 1.72444 1.82838 1.03605 1.4679 1.16716 0.532573 1.96699 0.957607 0.787029 1.61331 1.81509 0.977464 2.10348 1.39297 0.340688
6 NaN 1.99982 1.27655 0.905647 2.11091 1.664 0.830074 2.33153 1.71367 0.818765 2.22315 1.24828 0.685668 2.36889 1.33599 0.515974
7 NaN 1.80882 1.05065 0.549558 2.51533 0.938052 0.124567 2.15947 1.79579 0.535714 2.01288 0.95355 1.01142 2.45643 1.94351 0.416589
8 NaN 2.77804 1.42155 0.481491 2.47751 0.980929 0.456643 2.15593 1.0547 0.791149 2.21864 1.51322 0.897828 2.60217 1.6912 0.856099
9 NaN 2.12713 1.59421 0.921837 2.5345 1.01763 0.974847 2.36729 0.998858 0.395988 2.53525 0.985286 0.20583 2.92889 1.64869 0.424832
10 NaN 2.68468 0.907728 1.09624 2.17075 1.12407 0.950537 2.9252 1.4312 0.36473 3.17647 1.37106 0.402123 3.52969 1.33632 0.460906
11 NaN 0.00450152 0.930271 0.475216 2.44144 0.952771 0.33642 0.662407 0.0436538 0.259133 0.223661 0.298806 0.994776 0.436427 0.123186 0.677927
12 500hz 1.54684 0.879418 0.311657 1.45893 0.90733 0.676293 1.59209 1.39514 0.930103 1.96806 1.71593 0.400378 1.39491 1.46151 0.748787
13 NaN 1.70573 1.27079 0.947313 1.67798 1.10671 0.89966 2.30459 1.759 0.532085 2.15639 1.07448 0.790732 2.07652 1.71196 0.109085
14 NaN 1.88562 1.0019 0.303148 1.9928 1.62794 0.487399 1.51951 1.21221 0.820925 2.17338 0.981896 0.477477 1.65706 1.88413 0.680916
In [30]:
# Defining skip parameters unique to the source excel to allow us to do looping
col_skip = 1 # our first data is in col 1, row 3
row_skip = 3
row_frq_set = 9 # new frequency every 9 rows
col_obs_set = 3 # new size every 3 observation columns
col_mat_set = col_obs_set * len(sizes) # new material every 5 set of 5 observation

1. Try for one set of data

In [31]:
# try extract one set of data for example Config A, Material A, 100hz, 5"
temp_df = config_a.iloc[row_skip:row_skip + row_frq_set,col_skip:col_skip + col_obs_set].copy()
temp_df.columns = observations
Alpha Beta Gamma
3 1.63979 1.23064 0.546146
4 1.43973 1.08655 0.42743
5 1.72444 1.82838 1.03605
6 1.99982 1.27655 0.905647
7 1.80882 1.05065 0.549558
8 2.77804 1.42155 0.481491
9 2.12713 1.59421 0.921837
10 2.68468 0.907728 1.09624
11 0.00450152 0.930271 0.475216
In [32]:
# assign all needed dimension to the df
temp_dimension = ["Config A", "A", 100, 5]
dimensions, temp_dimension
(['Configuration', 'Material', 'Frequency', 'Size'], ['Config A', 'A', 100, 5])
In [33]:
for i,j in zip(dimensions,temp_dimension): # using zip to combine two list
    temp_df[i] = j
Alpha Beta Gamma Configuration Material Frequency Size
3 1.63979 1.23064 0.546146 Config A A 100 5
4 1.43973 1.08655 0.42743 Config A A 100 5
5 1.72444 1.82838 1.03605 Config A A 100 5
6 1.99982 1.27655 0.905647 Config A A 100 5
7 1.80882 1.05065 0.549558 Config A A 100 5
8 2.77804 1.42155 0.481491 Config A A 100 5
9 2.12713 1.59421 0.921837 Config A A 100 5
10 2.68468 0.907728 1.09624 Config A A 100 5
11 0.00450152 0.930271 0.475216 Config A A 100 5
In [34]:
# take a peak at the data we want to loop
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 Material Material A NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Material Size 5" NaN NaN 4" NaN NaN 3" NaN NaN 2" NaN NaN 1" NaN NaN
2 Frequency Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma Alpha Beta Gamma
3 100hz 1.63979 1.23064 0.546146 1.8024 1.20586 0.908674 1.47175 1.02788 0.202751 1.69438 1.79287 0.265586 1.61428 1.11722 0.697438
4 NaN 1.43973 1.08655 0.42743 2.03412 1.64013 0.869098 1.72981 1.67681 0.829409 1.71648 1.53832 0.749897 1.51539 1.46082 0.91155
5 NaN 1.72444 1.82838 1.03605 1.4679 1.16716 0.532573 1.96699 0.957607 0.787029 1.61331 1.81509 0.977464 2.10348 1.39297 0.340688
6 NaN 1.99982 1.27655 0.905647 2.11091 1.664 0.830074 2.33153 1.71367 0.818765 2.22315 1.24828 0.685668 2.36889 1.33599 0.515974
7 NaN 1.80882 1.05065 0.549558 2.51533 0.938052 0.124567 2.15947 1.79579 0.535714 2.01288 0.95355 1.01142 2.45643 1.94351 0.416589
8 NaN 2.77804 1.42155 0.481491 2.47751 0.980929 0.456643 2.15593 1.0547 0.791149 2.21864 1.51322 0.897828 2.60217 1.6912 0.856099
9 NaN 2.12713 1.59421 0.921837 2.5345 1.01763 0.974847 2.36729 0.998858 0.395988 2.53525 0.985286 0.20583 2.92889 1.64869 0.424832
10 NaN 2.68468 0.907728 1.09624 2.17075 1.12407 0.950537 2.9252 1.4312 0.36473 3.17647 1.37106 0.402123 3.52969 1.33632 0.460906
11 NaN 0.00450152 0.930271 0.475216 2.44144 0.952771 0.33642 0.662407 0.0436538 0.259133 0.223661 0.298806 0.994776 0.436427 0.123186 0.677927
12 500hz 1.54684 0.879418 0.311657 1.45893 0.90733 0.676293 1.59209 1.39514 0.930103 1.96806 1.71593 0.400378 1.39491 1.46151 0.748787
13 NaN 1.70573 1.27079 0.947313 1.67798 1.10671 0.89966 2.30459 1.759 0.532085 2.15639 1.07448 0.790732 2.07652 1.71196 0.109085
14 NaN 1.88562 1.0019 0.303148 1.9928 1.62794 0.487399 1.51951 1.21221 0.820925 2.17338 0.981896 0.477477 1.65706 1.88413 0.680916

2. Now repeat for all

In [35]:
# these are 5 layers of for loops. Try understand the meaning of set values i.e. col_mat_set, col_obs_set, row_frq_set 
print("These are for debugging purposes")
for config,source_df in zip(configs,[config_a,config_b]): # using zip to combine two list
    print(f"\nConfiguration: {config}")
    start_col = col_skip # reset start column each sheet
    start_row = row_skip # reset start row each sheet
    for imat,material in enumerate(materials): # using enumerate to automatically make list with index as first element
        print(f"Material: {material}")
        m_col = start_col + (col_mat_set * imat) # material repeating by columns, it is column's set of observation times number of sizes
        for ifreq,frequency in enumerate(frequencies):
            print(f"Frequency: {frequency}")
            row = start_row + (row_frq_set * ifreq) # frequency repeating by rows, it is row's set of frequency
            for isize,size in enumerate(sizes):
                col = m_col + (col_obs_set * isize) #size repeating by column, it is column's set of observation
                temp_df = source_df.iloc[row:row + row_frq_set,col:col + col_obs_set].copy()
                print(f"Size: {size}   Row {row}:{row + row_frq_set},   Col {col}:{col + col_obs_set}")
                temp_df.columns = observations # renaming the columns
                temp_dim = [config,material,frequency,size]
                for key,value in zip(dimensions,temp_dim): # applying dimension to each observation row
                    temp_df[key] = value

                df = df.append(temp_df,ignore_index=True) # Appending dataset into the designed dataframe

print(f"Finally have {len(df)} rows in the data frame")
These are for debugging purposes

Configuration: Config A
Material: A
Frequency: 100
Size: 5   Row 3:12,   Col 1:4
Size: 4   Row 3:12,   Col 4:7
Size: 3   Row 3:12,   Col 7:10
Size: 2   Row 3:12,   Col 10:13
Size: 1   Row 3:12,   Col 13:16
Frequency: 500
Size: 5   Row 12:21,   Col 1:4
Size: 4   Row 12:21,   Col 4:7
Size: 3   Row 12:21,   Col 7:10
Size: 2   Row 12:21,   Col 10:13
Size: 1   Row 12:21,   Col 13:16
Material: Bbb
Frequency: 100
Size: 5   Row 3:12,   Col 16:19
Size: 4   Row 3:12,   Col 19:22
Size: 3   Row 3:12,   Col 22:25
Size: 2   Row 3:12,   Col 25:28
Size: 1   Row 3:12,   Col 28:31
Frequency: 500
Size: 5   Row 12:21,   Col 16:19
Size: 4   Row 12:21,   Col 19:22
Size: 3   Row 12:21,   Col 22:25
Size: 2   Row 12:21,   Col 25:28
Size: 1   Row 12:21,   Col 28:31

Configuration: Config B
Material: A
Frequency: 100
Size: 5   Row 3:12,   Col 1:4
Size: 4   Row 3:12,   Col 4:7
Size: 3   Row 3:12,   Col 7:10
Size: 2   Row 3:12,   Col 10:13
Size: 1   Row 3:12,   Col 13:16
Frequency: 500
Size: 5   Row 12:21,   Col 1:4
Size: 4   Row 12:21,   Col 4:7
Size: 3   Row 12:21,   Col 7:10
Size: 2   Row 12:21,   Col 10:13
Size: 1   Row 12:21,   Col 13:16
Material: Bbb
Frequency: 100
Size: 5   Row 3:12,   Col 16:19
Size: 4   Row 3:12,   Col 19:22
Size: 3   Row 3:12,   Col 22:25
Size: 2   Row 3:12,   Col 25:28
Size: 1   Row 3:12,   Col 28:31
Frequency: 500
Size: 5   Row 12:21,   Col 16:19
Size: 4   Row 12:21,   Col 19:22
Size: 3   Row 12:21,   Col 22:25
Size: 2   Row 12:21,   Col 25:28
Size: 1   Row 12:21,   Col 28:31
Finally have 360 rows in the data frame

3. Check the result data frame

In [36]:
# observation columns need to be converted to numeric
for o in observations:
    df[o] = pd.to_numeric(df[o])
In [37]:
Configuration     object
Material          object
Frequency         object
Size              object
Alpha            float64
Beta             float64
Gamma            float64
dtype: object
In [38]:
Configuration Material Frequency Size
count 360 360 360 360
unique 2 2 2 5
top Config A Bbb 500 5
freq 180 180 180 72
In [39]:
Alpha Beta Gamma
count 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000
mean 1.796779 1.042887 0.369716
std 0.733766 0.510008 0.436495
min -0.838419 -0.849760 -0.794108
25% 1.390516 0.759833 0.098660
50% 1.909020 1.081903 0.383929
75% 2.301140 1.417355 0.717282
max 3.529687 1.943512 1.211643

D. Plotting & Visualization

In [40]:
df[observations].plot(title="This plot does not say anything meaningful")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1db329e8188>

Plot all combination of observation for each material

In [41]:
for j,m in enumerate(materials,1):
    for i,_ in enumerate(observations):
        title = f"Material {m}: {observations[i]} vs {observations[i-1]} {i+1} {j}"
        df[df["Material"] == m].plot(x=observations[i],y=observations[i-1],kind = "scatter",title=title)

Rearrange the above plots with more compact visualization using matplotlib

In [42]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2,3,figsize=(12,8))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4)
for j,m in enumerate(materials,1):
    for i,_ in enumerate(observations):
        title = f"Material {m}: {observations[i]} vs {observations[i-1]}"
        df[df["Material"] == m].plot(x=observations[i],y=observations[i-1],kind = "scatter",title=title,ax=axes[j-1,i])
In [43]:
data = df[df["Material"] == materials[0]]

alpha =  data.Alpha
beta = data.Beta
gamma = data.Gamma

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(alpha,beta,gamma, c='b', marker='o')



E. Exporting back into Excel

This operation requires Openpyxl as backend

In [44]:
# df.to_excel("Output.xlsx",sheet_name="Tidy",index=False) # Please uncomment to export out.

Wrap up

I believe 5 skills promised in the beginning have been demonstrated here.

  1. [X] Loading excel files to pandas dataframe
  2. [X] Basics of slicing and other operation in pandas
  3. [X] Using simple regex as pattern searching tool
  4. [X] Creating a complex loops (5 layers deep)
  5. [X] Quick and dirty plotting
  6. [X] Python syntactic sugar such as list comprehenshion, enumerate, zip

Hopefully readers may benefit from this example.

About the Author:

Alvin Alexander is a marathon runner with a strong inclination for scripting & programming while working in oil & gas industry. Chemist by training, data management by trade, learner by vocation.

Also thanks to Airi for providing this original dataset for the original transformation

Copyright © 2020